Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pizza and Wine Suits Me Just Fine

So after three days of playing Bob Marley's "Redemption Song" next to Gaza I returned to Netanya via awful public transportation yesterday for the Sunday kick off of my work week. It's 6 days a week here so I'm not sure why Americans feel we work the hardest in the world - right about now I'd say it's the Thai's in Israel.

But tonight I had an interesting cross cultural experience :) Idan, my family's oldest son had a water polo match in the recreation area of Bet Yitzkah. It was just like an American sports competition in that there were crazy parents, standing on edge ready to fight for their children, cheerleaders shouting (in hebrew) "Hey other team, go home!", and even a band that came from Haifa (an hour away) to support the away team.

The sports complex here is supposedly one of the nicest in the entire country and because our team won (even though our player is smaller than everyone else and sat the whole match out on the bench) our whole family got pizza for dinner! Forget Dominoes this time we tried a place in the next town over and it came with the same amazing pizza seasoning that's prevalent with the italian treat everywhere.

So it's pretty funny to see a water polo match amongest 13 year old boys in Israel and the pizza you get to eat to celebrate a victory is top notch : )

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