Monday, May 25, 2009

This is Louise - She's like my second wife

So Amir - my farm owner who I've inside jokingly started to call "never nude" because of the cut off jean shorts he wears is an Israeli farmer and family man but it seems to me he has a lot in common with other American dads.

He has three adorable children and he and his wife both work. Amir worked for 23 years for Motorola - starting in sales and working his way up to management. He asked them to fire him two years ago so he could get severance and stay on in a contract position. Now he works from home and the farm all day. Two of his children are 10 year old twins. Inbal - the girl, does competive gymnastics and is extremely competitive and focused. Her brother Idan is small for his age but is a fierce water polo player. His aunt tells me I should see him the water, that I wouldn't believe it. Gilad is their older son who is 13 this year and will be bar mitzvahed next month - just because it's custom. The family doesn't consider themselves religious at all. The aunt tells me not only is she not religious but she's anti-religion. She teaches hebrew language and literature at a kibbutz in the north and goes on for a half hour how the western wall is idolatry.

I really like Amir's wife Tsrit. The three of us take their two dogs out for a walk around the neighborhood every night and Tsrit and I talk during this time.

But Amir is such a character. You can tell he has a lot on his plate and he works very hard for his family. I know he loves his kids but he's always snapping at them and the person in his family he loves the most is Louise - his dog. OK OK she is a beautiful dog with white fur and big brown eyes but he talks to her and plays with her like something unkosher is going on.. He told me today after he stood there petting her for 10 minutes in front of me - she is like my second wife.

I love this family!

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