Friday, May 29, 2009

You think you're better than me, you're not better than me.. I'm better than you

Last night speaking with one of Oran's friends about politics he spoke to me about how he is upset how Israel waits to hear from America before they take action and try to lift themselves up as a country. He said back in the 70s, the Israeli army was working on building the best planes in the world and selling them to China. America didn't like this and forbid the research and instead gave Israel a lot of F16 planes instead. The boy sited this as only one example of America butting in where they have no business. I don't think he was saying he doesn't think Israel doesn't need America as an ally - he just wants people to be informed that sometimes Americans don't know what we're talking about, we don't know what dealing with 50-70 terrorist attacks every day feels like, to have national tragedies occur all the time - and to basically just butt out. This goes back to me thinking Israel will preemptively strike Iran sooner than later to stop their nuclear program. It's an issue of when and not if.

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