Saturday, December 19, 2009


In a video on Cool Hunting, musician Santogold mentions her rock influences in the sounds of

Bad Brains

Suicidal Tendencies

The Smiths


Gary Numan

Friday, December 4, 2009

Good Morning Baltimore

This fall I had a voracious hunger for The Wire. The violence, sub culture and grit of City of God inspired my lust and craving for Rio de Janiero. The same qualities in the HBO hit inspired my craving for D.C.'s neighbor in the mid-Atlantic.

Baltimore - What to do...

Here is a link to a cool hunting video I found on activities and locations to visit in Baltimore.

And a NY Times "36 hours in" article on the city too.

Some Highlights:

Station North Arts District

American Visionary Arts Musuem

Red Emma's Bookstore

Load of Fun Studios

Paradox Club
